Financial Wellness

Each year, Holy Rosary Credit Union is proud to participate in Financial Awareness Month. We know that financial education is the key to financial health and wellbeing. To show how much we believe in this tool, we're encouraging our members' financial awareness with the following opportunities:

Financial Awareness Month

$25 Deposit for

Credit Check Plus Session

Sign up for a Credit Check Plus Session before 8/31. Once you've completed your session, HRCU will deposit $25 into your savings account. (Session does not have to be completed in August, just has to be scheduled before the month ends. You must complete the session to receive $25 deposit.)

Financial Awareness Month

Gas Card Giveaway

Get entered into a drawing for a $250 gas gift card each time you complete one of the following (can be entered multiple times!):

- GreenPath CheckRight course

- Set up Automatic Savings, or increase current amount by $2 or more

- Complete Budget Spreadsheet

Upload CheckRight Certificate of Completion and/or Budget Spreadsheet HERE!